Nigel Davison and Tom Nutt visited Muelheim from 22nd to 28th November. Tuesday and Wednesday were spent visiting friends from The Town Hall and Siemens, and also Duisburg Christmas market which offers a tremendous variety of food and drink. On Thursday the stall was prepared for selling our wares on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The weather throughout was good, dry and not too cold for this time of year. This was probably our best year yet - 324 jars of Mrs Darlington's jam and chutney, 60 bottles of Kitty's Ginger wine, boxes of Yorkshire tea and Christmas puddings and Liquer chocolates all sold out, as well as their Partnerschaftsverein "Lord and Ladies supper" (port with cheese) and other items. The Ginger wine was gone by Saturday evening and on opening on Sunday we were greeted by a disappointed woman wanting 12 bottles! We must take more next year. The Partnerschaftsverein hosted a lovely meal at the Mausefalle pub on Sunday evening and we thank them for their great hospitality during our stay.