About Us

The Darlington & District Town Twinning Association was formed in the early 1980’s and made their first visits to Mülheim and Amiens in 1984. Prior to this many different groups from Darlington had visited our twin towns, but this was an attempt to have an over-arching organisation to represent our town.
Until 2003 Darlington Borough Council arranged and supported visits and exchanges, but at this time they cut funding and became responsible for civic activities only. DDTTA took over these other responsibilities and has flourished ever since.

The name and branding change, which came in 2012 – in addition to our re-designed website, was to symbolise our connections and friendships, not just with our twin towns, but also with our cousin twin towns and other countries across the world.

Darlington & Mülheim
Many towns and villages in the North East are twinned with those of the Ruhr in Nord Westphalia, Germany, because of their similarity in industrial history and size - both areas during the second half of the 19th century, and in the 20th century, relied on the Coal and Iron and Steel industries for their living.

 Examples of such twinnings are:

  • Darlington & Mülheim an der Ruhr - both green towns lying on the edge of large industrial areas.
  • Sunderland & Essen - large towns steeped in coal and steel industries.
  • Middlesbrough & Oberhausen - large steel producing towns.
  • Easington & Baesweiler - small coal mining villages.
  • Newcastle & Gelsenkirchen - large coal mining towns.

Most of these twinnings began in the 1950's.

Darlington & Amiens
It was difficult to trace the origin of Darlington's twinning with Amiens. Chair, Tom Nutt asked many people in both towns about this, but being unable to find the answer resorted to the internet.
The first passenger railway in France was from Lille to Amiens then to Paris. The railway link was strengthened with the subsequent discovery that railwaymen from both towns made regular exchange visits from the 1960's onwards.
During discussions last year with the Mayor of Amiens and others, it was considered that the railway link was the most plausible, however any other suggestions or definite proofs of links origin will be welcomed.

The Committee
The DTTIA is run by a management committee to ensure that a representative view of all individual members within the association are met and to ensure that the association is doing what members want it to be doing.

We follow a written constitution, (which can be viewed here), to ensure that decisions are made fairly, and that all members are given a chance to contribute.
If you wish to get in contact with any of the committee members, then you are able to using the details below:

  Tom Nutt
Email: [email protected]

  Sandra Dashwood
Email: [email protected]

  Chris McEwan
Email: [email protected]

  Matthew Harrington
Website/IT Officer
Email: [email protected]

  Nigel Davison
Corporate Associate Representative
Email: [email protected]

  Philip Crumbie
Individual Member
Email: [email protected]