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Mülheim Factfile
Amiens Factfile
Hummersknott Badminton International Tour July 24
Linked News Article: Hummersknott Badminton International Tour July 24
RA U15 Boys football team off to Mulheim
Linked News Article: Darlington RA under 15 boys trip to Mülheim
Mayor's Ball 2024
Linked News Article: April 2024 - Darlington Mayor's Ball
Dec - 2023 Muelheim Christmas Market
Linked News Article: Dec 2023 - Muelheim Christmas Market
Sept - 2023 70th Anniversary in Muelheim
Linked News Article: Sept - 2023 70th Anniversary in Muelheim
Linked News Article: Our International Friends
Hummersknott Badminton Club unites with Ukranian youngsters
Linked News Article: Hummersknott Badminton Club unites with Ukranian youngsters.
Nov 2019 - Muelheim Altstadt Xmas Market
Linked News Article: Nov 2019 - Muelheim Altstadt Christmas Market
July 2019 - Hummersknott Badminton Club Mediterranean Tour
Linked News Article: July 2019 - Hummersknott Badminton Club Mediterranean Tour
April 2019 - Hummersknott Badminton tour to France and Belgium
Linked News Article: April 2019 - Hummersknott Badminton tour to France and Belgium
June 2019 - Twin towns meet in Amiens
Linked News Article: June 2019 - Twin towns meet in Amiens
May 2019 - DTTIA visit to Budapest
Linked News Article: May 2019 - DTTIA visit to Budapest
May - 2019 Polish Heritage Day at Hummersknott Academy
Linked News Article: May 2019 - Polish Heritage Day
Feb 2019 - Visit to Niepolomice
Linked News Article: Feb 2019 - Visit to Niepolomice
Jan 2019 - Young Darlington cricketer in Dubai
Linked News Article: Jan 2019 - Darlington cricketer in Dubai
Dec 2018 - Stall in Muelheim Altstadt Christmas Market
Linked News Article: Dec 2018 - Muelheim Altstadt Christmas Market
Oct 2018 - Darlington International Table Football Tournament
Linked News Article: Oct 2018 - Darlington International Table football tournament
July 2018 - Muelheim Student hosted by DTTIA
Linked News Article: July 2018 - Muelheim Student hosted by DTTIA
July 2018.- Hummersknott Badminton Club Summer Tour
Linked News Article: July 2018 - Hummersknott Badminton Club Summer Tour
June 2018 - Battlefield visits Thiepval, Albert War Museum, Lochnagar Crater.
Linked News Article: June 2018- Citizens visit to Amiens
June 2018 - Civic visit to Meulheim for 65th anniversary of twinning
Linked News Article: June 2018 - Civic visit to Meulheim for 65th anniversary of twinning
June 2018- Citizens visit to Amiens
Linked News Article: June 2018- Citizens visit to Amiens
Young Polish footballers in Darlington
Linked News Article: May 2018 - Young Polish footballers in Darlington
May 2018 - KS Dab Zabierzow Bochenski, Niepolomice.
Linked News Article: May 2018 - Young Polish footballers in Darlington
April 2018 - Hummersknott Badminton Club in Ireland
Linked News Article: April 2018 - Hummersknott Badminton Club in Ireland
Nov 2017 - Bremen Students in Darlington
Dec 2017 - Altstadt Market in Muelheim
Linked News Article: Dec 2017 - Christmas Market in Muelheim Altstadt
Oct 2017 - Singing children of Africa Angels Tour
Linked News Article: Oct 2017 - Singing kids of Africa Angels Uk tour
Aug - 2017 - Visiting Opole, Niepolomice and Krakow
Linked News Article: Aug 2017 - Visiting Opole, Niepolomice and Krakow
April 2017 - Hummerskott Badminton Club visit Europe
Linked News Article: April 2017 - Hummersknott B C visit to Europe
June 2017 - Carmel visit Gustav Heinemann school, Muelheim
Linked News Article: June 2017 - Carmel visit Gustav Heinemann school, Muelheim
June - 2017 - Muelheim Citizens visit Darlington
Linked News Article: June - 2017 - Muelheim citizens visit Darlington
Feb - 2017 - Darlington college students in Muelheim
Nov 2016 - Christmas Market in Muelheim
Linked News Article: Nov 2016 - Christmas Market in Muelheim
Sept 2016 - Circus Villains in Muelheim
Linked News Article: Sept 2016 - Circus Villains perform in Muelheim
Sept 2016 - Kerstin in Darlington
Linked News Article: Sept 2016 - Kerstin in Darlington
Sept 2016 - Otto Pankok Schule visit Hummersknott Academy
Linked News Article: Sept 2016 - Otto Pankok Schule visit Hummersknott Academy
Sept 2016 - Visit to Rome and Bracciano
Linked News Article: Sept 2016 - Visit to Rome and Bracciano
June 2016 - Nigel to Muelheim
Linked News Article: June 2016 - Nigel to Muelheim
July 2016 - Hummersknott Badminton Club International Tour
Linked News Article: July 2016 - Hummersknott Badminton Club International Tour
Apr 2016 - Mayor's International Ball
Linked News Article: April 2016 - Mayor's International Ball
July 2015 - Hummersknott Badminton Club Tour
Linked News Article: July 2015 - Hummersknott Badminton Club Tour
Jan 2016 - Chinese New Year
Linked News Article: Jan 2016 - Chinese New Year
Jan 2016 - Mayors Schools Eurovision Song Contest
Linked News Article: Jan 2016 - Mayors Schools Euro Vision Song Contest
Aug 2015 - Football Coach visits Opole
Linked News Article: Aug 2015 - Football coach visits Opole
Nov 2015 - Mülheim Christmas Market
Linked News Article: Dec 2017 - Mülheim Altstadt Christmas Market
Apr 2015 - RAID-TV International Seminar
Linked News Article: April 2015 - RAID-TV International seminar
March 2015 - Naples Badminton in Darlington and Sheffield
Linked News Article: Mar 2015 - Naples badminton visit to Darlington and Sheffield
Mar 2015 - Mülheim Mandolin Orchestra (MZO) in Darlington
Linked News Article: Mar 2015 - Mülheim Mandolin Orchestra (MZO) in Darlington
Mar 2015 - Youth congress in Mülheim
Linked News Article: Mar 2015 - Youth Congress in Mülheim
Feb 2015 - Chinese New Year
Linked News Article: Feb 2015 - Chinese New Year
Jan 2015 - Young Swaziland Visitors to Darlington
Linked News Article: Swaziland teenagers visit Darlington
Nov 2014 - Altstadt Christmas Market Mülheim
Linked News Article: Mülheim Altstadt Christmas Market 2014
Nov 2014 - International Conference at Carmel College
Linked News Article: International Conference at Carmel College
Oct 14 - Siemens and Darlington College Exchange
Linked News Article: Siemens AG link with Darlington college
Sept 2014 - Otto Pankok Schule visit Hummersknott Academy.
Linked News Article: Otto Pankok Schule in Darlington
Aug 2014 - Siemens AG Apprentices Visit Darlington SWDT
Linked News Article: Siemens AG In Darlington
July 2014 - Darlington and Bracciano, Italy, Friendship Agreement
Linked News Article: Darlington and Bracciano, Italy, Friendship agreement
July 2014 - 405 Squadron Air Cadets visit France
Linked News Article: 405 Squadron Air Cadets visit Meharicourt and Amiens
July 2014 - Hummersknott Badminton Club visit Italy and Greece
Linked News Article: Hummersknott Badminton Club visit Italy and Greece
July 2014 - Hummersknott visit Mülheim
Linked News Article: Hummersknott in Mülheim
May 2014 - Mülheim cyclists in Darlington
Linked News Article: Mülheim cyclists in Darlington
May 2014 - Silent houses in Mülheim
Linked News Article: Voll die Ruhr in Mülheim
Apr 2014 - Fellerband Easter Tour
Linked News Article: Fellerband Easter Tour
Apr 2014 - Mülheim Rotary in Darlington
Apr 2014 - Hummersknott Badminton European Tour
Linked News Article: Hummersknott Badminton Club European Tour
Mar 2014 - SWDT Apprentices Visit Mülheim
Linked News Article: Leonardo Mobility Project (SWDT Visit Mülheim) 2014
Sep 2013 - Hummersknott Academy and Otto Pankok Schule Exchange 2013
Linked News Article: Hummersknott Academy and Otto Pankok Schule Exchange 2013
Nov 2013 - 60th anniversary - Darlington stall at Mülheim Xmas Market
Linked News Article: 60th Anniversary - Mülheim Christmas Market
Oct 2013 - 60th anniversary - Fellerband visit Darlington
Linked News Article: 60th Anniversary - Fellerband Visit Darlington
Oct 2013 - 60th Anniversary - Charisma Choir in Darlington
Linked News Article: 60th Anniversary - Charisma Choir in Darlington
Oct 2013 - 60th anniversary - Petrikirche Choir in Darlington
Linked News Article: 60th Anniversary - Petrikirche Choir Visit Darlington
Oct 2013 - 60th Anniversary - Amiens Longueau - Fete du Rail
Linked News Article: 60th Anniversary - Visit to Fete du Rail
Sep 2013 - 60th Anniversary - Exhibition in Müheim Forum Centre
Linked News Article: 60th Anniversary - Exhibition in Forum Shopping Centre
Sep 2013 - 60th Anniversary - Darlington Citizens visit to Mülheim
Linked News Article: 60th Anniversary - Darlington Citizens Visit to Mülheim
Sep 2013 - 60th Anniversary - Civic visit to Mülheim
Linked News Article: 60th Anniversary - Civic Visit to Mülheim
Aug 2013 - 60th Anniversary - Mülheim Citizens visit Darlington
Linked News Article: 60th Anniversary - Mulheim Citizens Visit to Darlington
Jul 2013 - Hummersknott Badminton Club Tour North America
Linked News Article: Hummersknott Badminton Club Tour to North America
Jul 2013 - Work Experience In Darlington
Linked News Article: Work Experience In Darlington
Jun 2013 - 60th anniversary visit to Amiens
Linked News Article: 60th Anniversary - Fete Dans La Ville 2013
Jun 2013 - 60th Anniversary - Fete Dans La Ville Photos from Tulsa
Linked News Article: 60th Anniversary - Fete Dans La Ville 2013
Jun 2013 - 60th Anniversary - Celebrations in Darlington
Linked News Article: 60th Anniversary - Celebrations in Darlington
Jun 2013 - 60th Anniversary - Youth Conference
Linked News Article: 60th Anniversary - Youth Conference
May 2013 - 60th Anniversary - 21st All Stars Football in Mülheim
Linked News Article: 60th Anniversary - 21st All Stars Football in Mülheim
Nov 2012 - Delft Youth Conference
Linked News Article: JouwDelft Youth Conference
Nov 2012 - Altstadt market
Linked News Article: Mülheim Christmas Market
Jul 2012 - Most Education Youth Exchange
Linked News Article: Most Education Summer Youth Exchange 2012 - Faster, Higher, Stronger
Jun 2012 - Leonardo 2012
Linked News Article: Siemens Energy Apprentices Visit Darlington (2012)
May 2012 - International football in Opole
Linked News Article: -
May 2012 - Amiens Delegation visit to Darlington College
Linked News Article: Amiens Delegation visit to Darlington College
Apr 2012 - Cycling from Darlington to Mülheim
Linked News Article: Cycle Trip To Mülheim 2012
Apr 2012 - Cyclists and Rotary in Mülheim
Linked News Article: Cycle Trip To Mülheim 2012
Mar 2012 - SWDT Apprentices Visit Mülheim (2012)
Linked News Article: South West Durham Training Apprentices Visit Mülheim (2012)
Nov 2011 - Darlington Stall at Mülheim Christmas Market
Linked News Article: Darlington Stall at Mülheim Christmas Market
Sep 2011 - Mülheim Youth Conference
Linked News Article: Mülheim International Youth Conference
Jun 2011 - Mayoral Visit To Amiens
Linked News Article: Mayoral Visit To Amiens
Jun 2011 - Siemens Apprentices Visit Darlington
Linked News Article: Berufskolleg College Students Visit Darlington
Mar 2011 - SWDT Visit to Mülheim
Linked News Article: South West Durham Training Company visit to Mülheim (2011)
Sep 2010 - City of Culture visit
Linked News Article: Official Delegations City Of Culture Visit To Mülheim
July 2010 - A 40 Stand City of Culture
Linked News Article: A 40 City of Culture celebrations
Jul 2010 - Fatzer 2010
Linked News Article: Fatzer Project
May 2010 - Opole Visit
Linked News Article: Visit to Opole
Mar 2010 - SWDT Apprentices Visit Mülheim
Linked News Article: South West Durham Training Company visit to Mülheim (2010)
Mar 2010 - Mülheim Students on Work Experience
Linked News Article: Berufskolleg College Students Visit Darlington
Mar 2010 - Comenius Project 2010
Linked News Article: Comenius Project 2010
May 2009 - Conference on Vocational Education and Training
Linked News Article: Conference on Vocational Education and Training
Nov 2008 - Mülheim Visit Darlington Christingle Market
Linked News Article: Mülheim visit Darlington Christingle Market
Sep 2008 - Darlington in Mülheim
Linked News Article: Mülheim 200 Town Charter Anniversary
Aug 2008 - International Football in Mülheim
Linked News Article: International Football in Mülheim
Jun 2008 - 2 Many Units and My Other Side at Voll die Ruhr
Linked News Article: Darlo Bands Rock the Ruhr
May 2008 - Darlington to Mülheim by Bicycle - 200 Years Visit
Linked News Article: Darlington to Mülheim by Bicycle - 200 Years Visit
Sep 2007 - Swift family visit Steih family in Mülheim
Linked News Article: Family Visit to Mülheim
Aug 2007 - Darlington TTA International Youth Football
Linked News Article: Darlington TTA International Youth Football
Jun 2007 - Fete Dans la Ville Trip
Linked News Article: Fete Dans la Ville Trip
Sep 2006 - Darlington Visit Mülheim
Linked News Article: Citizens Visit to Mülheim
Jul 2006 - Spraire Lads International Football In Mülheim
Linked News Article: Spraire Lads International Football In Mülheim
May 2006 - Mülheim TTA Visit Darlington
Linked News Article: Mülheim Visit Darlington
Feb 2006 - TWINS 2010 Conference
Linked News Article: Twins 2010 Conference
Jul 2005 - Mülheim voll die Ruhr with Browser
Linked News Article: Browser at Voll die Ruhr
Jun 2005 - Amiens Fete Dans la Ville
Linked News Article: Amiens Fete dans la Ville
May 2005 - Official Delegations - Visit to Mülheim
Linked News Article: Mülheim Celebrates 60th Anniversay of War Ending
Jul 2005 - 10th Anniversary of Mülheim TTA
Linked News Article: 10th Anniversary Of Fórderverein Mülheim
Jul 2004 - Sybil visits Darlington
Linked News Article: Town Twinning Student Tours Darlington
Jul 2004 - Lets Move Youth Conference
Linked News Article: Lets Go! Move On! Youth Conference
Sep 2003 - Citizens group in Mülheim for 50th Anniversary
Linked News Article: 50th Anniversary Visit to Mülheim
Sep 2003 - 50th Anniversary Visit To Mülheim
Linked News Article: 50th Anniversary Visit to Mülheim
Jun 2001 - Fete Dans la Ville Amiens
Linked News Article: Fete Dans la Ville Amiens
Sep 2000 - DTTA visit Mülheim
Linked News Article: TTA visit Mülheim
Apr 1973 - Fencing in Mülheim
Linked News Article: Fencing clubs Mülheim and Darlington
Apr 1968 - Official visit to Mülheim