Nov - 2023 Bremen school visit Darlington
Saturday 18th Nov 2023
For over 25 years teachers and pupils from Oberschule Lerchenstrasse in Bremen have been coming to Darlington so thet the pupils could spend 3 weeks on work experience in our town. I was first contacted in 2003 about this project by Chris Papin, the teacher in charge. They had been coming for a few years pevious to this but numbers had grown to about 25 students and he needed our help to find placements for them all, i was able to find the extra placements he needed in the Town Hall, Thomas Cook, Waterstones, Dolphin Centre and a few other businesses, and chris was able to capitalise on this over the following years. This year on Wednesday 6th December I accompanied teachers Marianne, Denise and Bjorn and their students on a visit to Mayor Jan Cossins at the Town Hall.They had tea with the Mayor and told about the history of our town and the upcomijng 2025 celebrations for the 200th anniversary of the first passenger railway in the world. We wished them a safe journey home on saturday and look forward to the next group arriving in 2024.
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